The New Website is Live!

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{new blog site}

{do you care-a-rot?}

Good Morning & Happy Monday!

This weeks recipe I would like to claim all to myself but I cannot. I put it together from bits and pieces my mom has made in past and things I’ve read from other bloggers!

{Sauteed not too mooshy  Carrots}


  • EVOO
  •  Onion
  • Carrots
  • 1TBS sugar
  • 1/2 tsp-1tsp Ground Cumin
  • Salt & Pepper

Start by washing you carrots, peel the outer layer and cut each in half, in half long ways and then again to create 1/4 slices. Set aside the carrots…

Grab your onion, cut off the non-root end and peel away the outer layer.

Slice the onion 3/4 the way down but NOT all the way. Repeat in opposite direction.

Next you are going to want to cut the onion to make tiny cubes.

Now that you are all prepped for cooking, turn to your stove, with a medium high heat…

Drop in about 1TBLS to 2 of EVOO

Add in your freshly cut onions

So this was sort of a mistake I came across the first time I made this.

To give the caramelized carrots a bit of sweetness add 1TBLS of sugar and stir around until dissolved.

Add in your Carrots

This is where things get a little tricky. I personally don’t mind mooshy carrots all the much, but if you are picky watch the carrots for about 10 minutes and take a bite into one. Do so until you have the right consistency you like in your carrot

Final step: SEASONING. The cumin really gives off a great, unique, FUN flavor. Finally, add in Salt and Pepper to taste.

And serve away!

A great side dish, and so tasty. This would probably be best served for a dinner party. I ate mine with a steak that I broiled in the oven.

Enjoy Ya’ll.

Have a Great start to your week. I look forward to you comments. =]

{mi casa es su casa}

I love it when my readers leave comments or suggest blog posts.

Last week, after posting about my new lens, Danielle, a subscriber to my blog asked if I would mind sharing my camera bag with all her. I do not mind at all! Thank you so much for asking 🙂

Please, meet the family!

I want to start with my first child: camera body, 5D markII 

My second child is 85mm 1.2. She is favored over all of the others. A beautiful portrait lens. When I’m having a moment, she really comes through in almost any situation. She’s been a good daughter.

My Second Child, 24mm 1.4. I will be honest. We have a love/hate relationship but let me tell you, when he loves, he loves so well.

My youngest child: 70-200mm 2.8 II Not only the youngest in my bag but the youngest in Canons family too. She is a brand spanking new lens they came out with. I have not used her more than once, but I have a feeling we are going to have a lot of great days together!

My external flash, 580exii, is used sparing. I think of her as the evil step child. I’m not known for using additional light as I love to use what is available, but in evening of events where I need such light, she does wonders.

Other things I carry in my bags are: 4GB & 8GB CF cards, extra batteries, card readers (always bring two), an external drive to upload to, my lap top, camera/laptop chargers.

I’ve also linked all the exact products I own and where I got them. If not where I got them, it’s the same product. 🙂

Now I’m not known for technical blog posts, but please feel free to ask questions about any numbers you’re reading that you don’t understand. Or even photo/composition/editing questions. I’m an open book.

Have a great weekend all.
See you Monday!

{your pad or mine?}

Definitely my pad, with out a doubt!

Once again, Team Taplin is growing! Welcome to the Family iPad3

I am so excited to meet with clients and put her to work!
Any suggestions on where to get a cover for her?

On a side note, today I am off to Paseo Robels to work for Teale Photography and capture a beautiful vineyard wedding! Head on over to her blog. Give her some love. She and her husband are seriously amazing!

{middle man}

As you all know, I spend a lot of time in my kitchen and  a lot of time editing and even more time capturing images. 18 months ago I was blessed with Parker Marie, and became quite close with her. Over the past 18 months I noticed my cousin Sarah saying to me  over and over again, “I could have never captured that image, my hands are always full.”

As a friend to many moms, I see how hard y’all work. I honestly don’t even know how you have time to pick up your phone to instagram an image of your children. So I am here to let you know, I want to be your middle man.

I want to capture the image you wish you could of your child after they’ve discovered their feet while changing their diaper…

… When absolute chaos breaks out and you don’t even know it.

… Or when he/she has gone into timeout, but you can’t stand it because they are so dang adorable when they pout. Those moments you knew or never knew were happening, I want to capture for you.

These sessions are very laid back, casual and fun. They are placed in your own home, back yard or you can pair it up with a newborn session. They last anywhere from an hour to 4 hours. Nothing about these sessions are staged, posed or static. It’s all about the kids being in their own environment and being them selves.

Please Email or Visit me on Facebook for more information about these sessions.

{quick’n’easy breakfast}

Last week I briefly mentioned my diet that I was cheating on at the time. Since I’ve started I’ve had my up and down days, but I’m here to explain how simple it is. (Even if I cheated)

Two weeks ago, after going on a fast food binge, mid day I randomly went on a ” ” NO CARB ” ” diet. I add the double quotations because it isn’t exactly what you think. I have basically given up all breads and what I like to think are carbs. So if you know me at all that means: No Mexican Food. No Sandwiches. No Croutons or Chips in my salads or soups. It’s been a rough road, but made I’ve never felt better!

So you wonder how it is I get through my day? It’s hard, but do-able. Here is what some mornings look like for me:

Start with a veggie of any sort. I love greens in the morning, so it’s either Asparagus or Spinach.
Rinse either of them well.

When working with your asparagus, be sure to cut off the bottom ends, about two inches or so.

Then turn to your stove, begin with med-high heat.

add butter to your skillet and coat the bottom and add in your veggie of choice.

Once it’s in the pan, Add any seasoning you desire, such as Salt N Peppa!

(yes, that is a link to the music video)

Remove your veggies from your pan.

You should have enough grease left in your pan for your eggs, but if you are worried they will stick, feel free to add more!

Note: If you flip and crack the yolk… it’s okay… no one’s perfect. Mine did!

Voila! Healthy Breakfast in 15 minutes.

Inspiration: Domestic Diva MD
Check her out. Her stories are hysterical as well as having some great tips and tricks too! 🙂




I took a mini vacation this week to San Diego. As a result of doing so, one of my favorite high school sports was in action, Lacrosse! Tuesday night Granite Hills played Grayslake North from Illinois.  Here are a few images. The rest will be up on a site soon for viewing a purchasing as well!

Stay tuned for Tuesday’s post. Quick ‘n’ Easy Breakfast!

{weekly inspiration}

This week I was given a task to talk about something or someone that inspires me. So let me rewind to two weeks ago when I started by “low card no carb diet” and then fast forward to four days ago when I was cheating on it eating Panda Express. I received a fortune that could not have come at a better time. Then ‘this post’ from Matilda Jane this week, just so happen to be pretty motivating at least for me. Funny how right when you think you are about to lose your mind, it all starts to become clear.

My favorite part about “the big bloggers” is when they get personal and talk about themselves. Suddenly they become ‘real’. I can relate so much to Sam in this post about her working life meeting her social life. I may not have someone to help balance it out right now but it does remind me that at the end of the day I need to remind myself to take a breath in and look at the past day, week, month and few years. Where I started and where I am now. To some it may not be very far but to me it’s a long jump and I’m no where near done jumping.